Click the Register Now button for any of the seminars to open a registration window.
If multiple people are going to register, you must do so individually.
Important Information
- Please only register once. Do not register twice for the same program.
- Problems with the forms on the website for registration and donations can occur. These are usually due to issues with your browser. Should you incur difficulty back out of your Internet browser and reboot your computer (you can use the restart function). Then try again.
- After each program you will be sent a Zoom link with the program. If outside of the United States you will automatically receive the Zoom link recording only if you are registered and paid.
- Problems with the Zoom link recordings of the programs are usually due to not entering the passcode exactly as it is shown. Be sure to enter it using the indicated upper case letters, lower case letters, numbers and symbols as they are shown.
- Registration and payment are due by the start of the program.
- In all cases you will receive emails from Kassandra Souza, Administrative Assistant, at and if you have any problems or concerns contact Kassandra at this email address.
“Come Alive with the Living Wisdom of Howard Thurman!” with Lerita Brown
Saturday, October 26, 2024
11 am Pacific/2 pm Eastern

This session will last an hour and a half; Cost: $30. Scholarships are available!
You will be sent a zoom link for the event on the Wednesday before the event. Please be on the lookout for it!
You will receive a recording of the event two days after it, in case you were not able to attend the live program, or want to watch it again.
Cancellation Policy: Refunds will not be honored after the zoom link is sent out. If you have any questions, please email Kassandra at: See you then!
“Paul the Pharisee: A Vision Beyond the Violence of Civilization” with John Dominic Crossan
Saturday, November 9, 2024
11 am Pacific/2 pm Eastern
This session will last an hour and a half; Cost: $30. Scholarships are available!
You will be sent a zoom link for the event on the Wednesday before the event. Please be on the lookout for it!
You will receive a recording of the event two days after it, in case you were not able to attend the live program, or want to watch it again.
Cancellation Policy: Refunds will not be honored after the zoom link is sent out. If you have any questions, please email Kassandra at: See you then!
“Thomas Merton’s Contemplative Wisdom for a Time of Crisis” with Judith Valente
Saturday, December 14th, 2024
11 am Pacific/2 pm Eastern
This session will last an hour and a half; Cost: $30. Scholarships are available!
You will be sent a zoom link for the event on the Wednesday before the event. Please be on the lookout for it!
You will receive a recording of the event two days after it, in case you were not able to attend the live program, or want to watch it again.
Cancellation Policy: Refunds will not be honored after the zoom link is sent out. If you have any questions, please email Kassandra at: See you then!
“Human Rights and Peacemaking” with Kerry Kennedy
Saturday, January 11, 2025
11 am Pacific/2 pm Eastern
According to the United Nations, human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, regardless of race, gender, nationality, ethnicity, language, religion, or any other status. Human rights include the right to life and liberty, freedom from slavery and torture, freedom of opinion and expression, and the right to work and education. As we face unprecedented global poverty, permanent warfare, and the threat of nuclear weapons and catastrophic climate change, many are expanding this initial vision to include the right to live in peace, without fear of war or nuclear weapons, as well as the rights of all creatures and Mother Earth, too.
It is a great blessing to welcome my friend Kerry Kennedy, the director of the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Center, to speak with us about her life’s work promoting human rights and how that work is connected to Gospel peacemaking. Long ago in 1982, I worked at the RFK center before I entered the Jesuits, and I have followed its growth over the decades.
A human rights activist and lawyer, Kerry authored the New York Times best seller Being Catholic Now, as well as Speak Truth to Power and Robert F. Kennedy: Ripples of Hope. She has devoted more than 40 years to the pursuit of equal justice, the promotion and protection of basic rights, and the preservation of the rule of law around the world. She works on a range of issues, including child labor, women’s rights, disappearances, indigenous land rights, judicial independence, freedom of expression, ethnic violence, criminal justice reform, immigration, impunity, and environmental justice. She has led hundreds of human rights delegations in support of these causes. She appears regularly as a commentator on national and worldwide television networks, and is a frequent contributor to newspapers and magazines. Kennedy served as Chair of the Amnesty International USA Leadership Council for over a decade.
“Let us dedicate ourselves to what the Greeks wrote so long ago,” Robert F. Kennedy famously said, ‘To tame the savageness of humanity and make gentle the life of this world.’” Kerry has led the RFK center to advocate for human rights and pursue strategic litigation to hold governments accountable at home and around the world. In an effort to foster a social approach to business, celebrate agents of change, and ensure change that lasts, the RFK Center has educated millions of students about human rights, and helped train a new generation of leaders around the world realize Robert F. Kennedy’s dream of a more just and peaceful world. Please visit
This session will last an hour and a half; Cost: $30. Scholarships are available! Join us!
You will be sent a zoom link for the event on the Wednesday before the event. Please be on the lookout for it!
You will receive a recording of the event two days after it, in case you were not able to attend the live program, or want to watch it again.
Cancellation Policy: Refunds will not be honored after the zoom link is sent out. If you have any questions, please email Kassandra at: See you then!
“War Isn’t Over When It’s Over” with Kathy Kelly
Saturday, January 25th, 2025
11 am Pacific/2 pm Eastern
You will be sent a zoom link for the event on the Wednesday before the event. Please be on the lookout for it!
You will receive a recording of the event two days after it, in case you were not able to attend the live program, or want to watch it again.
Cancellation Policy: Refunds will not be honored after the zoom link is sent out. If you have any questions, please email Kassandra at: See you then!
“The Little Way of Merciful Love: Real-World Mentoring from St. Therese of Lisieux” with Marisa Guerin
Saturday, February 8, 2025
11 am Pacific/2 pm Eastern
St. Thérèse of Lisieux is famous for her Little Way of nonviolent love. But really, how hard was that for someone who lived in a French convent in the 19th century? It’s not like she was trying to deal with a world steeped in the violence of war, racism, poverty, nuclear weapons, climate change, and polarized politics.
“No doubt, we don’t have any enemies in Carmel,” she wrote in her autobiography, “but there are feelings.” Like us, she encountered difficult and damaged people who aroused feelings of resentment, anger, and indignation. Her intuition told her these unloving feelings become wellsprings of violence if we don’t manage them.
For Thérèse, the field of engagement with “enemies” was in her own heart. Through reflection, prayer, patience, and the grace of God, Thérèse gradually came to see others with the compassionate eyes of the nonviolent Jesus. At the same time, she learned how to avoid violence to herself by understanding her own limits and needs.
In this presentation, we will take lessons from St. Thérèse about cultivating a peaceful and merciful heart one day at a time, trusting in the God who never abandons our suffering world, and doing what we can to spread peace, compassion, kindness, understanding and love.
Marisa Guerin is the co-author with the late Brother Joseph Schmidt, FSC of “Life Lessons from St. Thérèse of Lisieux,” published in 2023 by Word Among Us.
Marisa Guerin, PhD, is a retired consultant and educator with expertise in organizational behavior and the psychodynamics of leadership. In her career, she served as the national youth ministry leader for the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, as the Human Resources executive for an international manufacturing company, and as an independent organizational consultant working primarily with the leaders of religious institutes. Marisa is married and lives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Please visit:
This session will last an hour and a half; Cost: $30. Scholarships are available! Join us!
You will be sent a zoom link for the event on the Wednesday before the event. Please be on the lookout for it!
You will receive a recording of the event two days after it, in case you were not able to attend the live program, or want to watch it again.
Cancellation Policy: Refunds will not be honored after the zoom link is sent out. If you have any questions, please email Kassandra at: See you then!
“The Gospel According to John,” A Lenten Series with Fr. John Dear
Monday, March 10th. Session #1—4:00 Pacific/7 pm Eastern
Monday, March 17th. Session #2—4:00 Pacific/7 pm Eastern
Monday, March 24th. Session #3—4:00 Pacific/7 pm Eastern
Monday, March 31st. Session #4—4:00 Pacific/7 pm Eastern
Monday, April 7th. Session #5—4:00 Pacific/7 pm Eastern
Cancellation Policy: Refunds will not be honored after the zoom link is sent out. If you have any questions, please email Kassandra at: See you then!
“Seeding Hope in Precarious Times with Thomas Merton” with Gordon Oyer
Saturday, April 26, 2025
11 am Pacific/2 pm Eastern

Cancellation Policy: Refunds will not be honored after the zoom link is sent out. If you have any questions, please email Kassandra at: See you then!
“The Nonviolent Jesus and the Violent Authoritarians”
with Brian McLaren
Saturday, May 17, 2025
11 am Pacific/2 pm Eastern
You will be sent a zoom link for the event on the Wednesday before the event. Please be on the lookout for it!
You will receive a recording of the event two days after it, in case you were not able to attend the live program, or want to watch it again.
Cancellation Policy: Refunds will not be honored after the zoom link is sent out. If you have any questions, please email Kassandra at: See you then!
A Conversation on “The God of Universal Love and Compassion”
with Elizabeth Johnson
Saturday, June 7, 2025
11 am Pacific/2 pm Eastern

“Bonhoeffer and Resistance to Tyranny and Organized Stupidity” with Larry Rasmussen
Saturday, July 5, 2025
11 am Pacific/2 pm Eastern
You will be sent a zoom link for the event on the Wednesday before the event. Please be on the lookout for it!
You will receive a recording of the event two days after it, in case you were not able to attend the live program, or want to watch it again.
Cancellation Policy: Refunds will not be honored after the zoom link is sent out. If you have any questions, please email Kassandra at: See you then!